Ghazanchetsots St. Amenaprkich church
Real Shushi's boast is Ghazanchetsots St. Amenaprkich Cathedral (Shushi district of Artsakh). Ghazanchetsots St. Amenaprkich church is a large monument. The exterior ways are luxurious, there are ornament-carvings everywhere, especially on the arches of doors and windows.
During the church repair while cleaning the floor was discovered an inscription, thanks to which became known the cathedral’s architect’s name. In the lower part of the altar’s butt-end was carved, "the sacred image is gift in the memory of church’s constructor Avetis Yearamishents… in the summer of 1886. Architect Simeon Ter-Hakobyants". This inscription enriched the list of masters and architects of XIXc by two bright names.
On the western side rises a three-story bell-tower. In the upper-corners of the first floor are put four stone statues of a man's.